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Access non-agency loan data that you can’t find anywhere else: 

Jumbo 30-Year Fixed Weighted Average Coupon (WAC)

Jumbo ARM Distribution and Volume 

Jumbo, Investor and Expanded Credit RMBS Issuance 

Post-Covid Prime Jumbo Deals / super Senior Spreads 

Loan Purpose Distribution 

Jumbo 30-Year Fixed Loan Characteristics

Jumbo 30-Year Fixed Average Loan Amount 

Unique data from MAXEX, first multi-buyer, multi-seller mortgage exchange

MAXEX brings together hundreds of mortgage originators and institutional investors in a digital marketplace, where loans are bought and sold through a single clearinghouse. Our role enables us to provide unique insight into the
non-agency secondary market.

Insights from hundreds of originators and billions in non-agency lock volume





non-agency lock trading volume

Top 5

jumbo loan liquidity provider